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Mekong Delta

The massive and majestic Mekong – a great river discharging water from the whole Tibetan Plateau to the thousands of miles away South China Sea. The river is so huge that the tides are clearly perceptible. Mekong is the source of livelihood for the the whole riverside. The river ccreates hundreds of branches, channels and streams. The countryside is criss-crossed by this life-giving water. The delta presents a fruitful oasis for millions of local inhabitants; providing them with food, work and a place to live. A journey across the Mekong delta is an excellent opportunity to experience the traditional vietnamese rural life first-hand. Take a moment to watch farmers work on their rice squares, fishermen and merchants with boats for their homes, villagers living in thatched houses who grow tropical fruit and produce honey, which is used afterwards for making honey wine. You may also witness the manufacture of a popular coconut candy known as Ben Tre. The whole of the locals’ life happens on the river. Be sure to visit the renowned floating markets or marvellous khmer pagodas.


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