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Image for article TRAVEL ITINERARY - IMG_2901a


Many travelers prefer taking only backpacks and maps and going abroad without any help of travel agencies. According to these facts, we decided to prepare an interesting offer for you. We can write down your special travel itinerary. It will contain these following information:

Your special itinerary is enhanced by owner photos from particular cities and places.

  1. Date, day number, city, place
    • Description of daily program
    • List of interesting points on the road and nearby
    • Cultural monuments, open hours, prices
    • Detailed descriptions of the recommended places to visit
    • In case of a request - appropriate accommodation, restaurants
  2. Methods of transport
    • Options
    • Description, positives and negatives
    • Links to timetables
    • Price range
  3. Recommendations
    • Security risks
    • Health risks
    • Currency exchange
    • Signal availability
    • Photography - rules, pitfalls
    • Information about local food and opportunities
    • Other

Destinations which we are able to organize as an itinerary:

Alaska, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Iceland, Austria, Germany and there will be others. We have visited all these countries. The itinerary is enhanced by our own experiences and advice.

The price depends on particular chosen destination, length of the trail and processing demands.

You will receive specific text (an example below) and Excel table (it will contain overview of your trail and distances between locations). You will also get all these documents in electronic form.


Our partners

CK Karavela