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Image for article Hatcher Pass - 20110824-103558-IMG_0994
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Hatcher Pass

This awesome place is situated about 12 miles from Palmer, the Hatcher Pass Road, which cross this area, leads from the lowlands of the river Matanuska and continues to Susitna lowlands near the river. Also leads between the peaks of the charming Talkeetna Mountains. This alpine paradise, as this valley is also called, is truly breathtaking. This place is located in the middle of the wilderness. You will be surrounded by green moss-like hills everywhere. These mountains are in fact covered with tundra. The pass is named after a significant miner Robert Hatcher. Robert Lee Hatcher (1867-1950) was responsible for development of gold mining in this area. He built roads and mines and discovered the famous vein "Skyscraper". This discovery changed the average Willow Creek into gold-rush paradise.


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