Dalton Highway, Yukon, Arctic Circle |
The Dalton Highway is a long bumpy and gravel road. The edges are not paved. It was built as an access road for the construction of the northern section of the Trans- Alaska pipeline. Total length is 414 miles and it runs from the intersection with Elliot | |
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Fairbanks |
Fairbanks just disappointed me. I knew it as romantic “Golden Rush City”. I dreamed about a small city with historical buildings, cozy souvenir shops and saloons. Unfortunately, Fairbanks does not look like this way. | |
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Hatcher Pass |
This awesome place is situated about 12 miles from Palmer, the Hatcher Pass Road, which cross this area, leads from the lowlands of the river Matanuska and continues to Susitna lowlands near the river. | |
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McCarthy Road |
The McCarthy road starts near Cooper River and ends near the Kennicot River. It is about 59 miles long. The longer part of the road was built instead of the former railway line Copper River and Northwestern Railway. | |
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Tangle Lakes |
This romantic place was discovered by Johnson family in 1953. Their offspring rebuilt the house and from the end of the twentieth century Tangle River Inn welcomes guests. Tangle Lakes area is a popular place for camping. | |
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